Rest Area 300m

Saturday, May 28, 2005

We have had one problem stretch of road that finally got the go ahead for a major make over. A specialist crew worked on for about four weeks. It was ripped up, reshaped, and lovingly groomed for sealing. Then it rained. Too wet now to seal it was tended till it could dry out. Then it rained again. Once more the crew got out the grader and drag brooms and studied the weather forecast. It rained again. For Three weeks now this has been going on, a desperate attempt to hold the job up to sealing quality so that if drying weather comes, the seal can go on. Speeding traffic is also a major factor, ruts and potholes can form in no time unless the traffic keeps to a crawl. A couple of speeders have gone through the fence in the early morning, and ended up in the paddock upside down. They got little sympathy. A request went in for police monitoring, and the radar guns have come out. A few culprits are in for a very rude shock, the odd ones that have barreled through the 30k limit at normal speeds will lose their licence for a while.
"Speeding offences of more than 50 km/h over the limit can fall under the categories of careless, dangerous or reckless driving, depending on the circumstances. These offences also result in an immediate 28 day licence suspension."

The crew working on this stretch are a normally chatty lot, but they are getting grumpier by the day.
It's raining again, I think I will give that area a wide berth for a while...

Male. Lives in New Zealand/North Island/The Road, speaks English. Eye color is blue.
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New Zealand, North Island, The Road, English, Male.

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