Trucks and Us
The truck drivers were a bit cranky today.
There is a lot of work going on at the moment.
The rush is on to use fine weather to get the road sorted for the Christmas break.
This means lots of road works.
The CB crackles with complaints of trucks getting dirty.
(Hey we're working in the dust....)
Signs are another thing truckies complain about.
Not enough, or too many...
Yesterday I heard a conversation criticizing the way in which we pick up a set of signs.
We set them out and pick them up in a precise order. It is obvious when you think about it.
The Sign Truck goes with the traffic flow, first setting up the "Working Man" and moving towards the work site, then follows with the "Flagman", (Stop On Request) and then the speed restrictions.
The process is repeated from the other end, again going with the traffic flow.
Doing it in this manner means that you have some warning out as you set up the signs.
Picking them up, you also leave the "Working Man" last for the same reason. You work so that you have some signage behind you in the hope that nobody will kill you from behind.
We on the road have a good idea of the truckies gripes.
We drive trucks ourselves.
Sadly there are a lot out there who don't have a clue what we are doing and why...
So in a bid for a bit of mutual understanding & goodwill,
If you are from a trucking company and read this,
(I know a lot of you do ...)
I would gladly write something for your company magazine, or get answers to questions ...
And seeing it's Xmas,
For Free Too ...
Labels: truck.
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