Rest Area 300m: The God Squad, Bee Whispering & Mushrooms.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The God Squad, Bee Whispering & Mushrooms.

The sight of the "God Squad" fills truckies with dread. The C.B.'s go ballistic. Lights flash. Trucks suddenly stop in odd places. The God Squad (Police Commercial Vehicle Investigation Unit) are doing a blitz.
One of the Guys had to go to Court yesterday, for forgetting to fill in his log book. After a tanker truck and trailer load of flour overturned on a notorious corner, we were out till midnight till the cranes has cleared the road. A large chevron sign was demolished in the accident and he drew the short straw to get a new sign down from Te Kuiti first thing in the morning. He was stopped by the "God Squad" on the way and hadn't filled in his log book. The penalties are rather draconian.
Driver: Maximum fine not exceeding $2,000 and
Disqualification for 1 calendar month or more as the Court sees fit unless special reason exist why not.
Note: Special reason must relate to the offence
Any Other Case: Max fine not exceeding $10,000

We wrote letters to the Court, pleading a special case, but he lost his heavy traffic licence for a month and was fined $380 including costs. This was regarded as being let off lightly. Suddenly I have become a model log book keeper.
On a happier note, I have been formally thanked in front of the assembled company multitudes for my efforts in the killer bee incident. I am now the official company Bee Whisperer. Meanwhile the first mushrooms are starting to appear.

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Male. Lives in New Zealand/North Island/The Road, speaks English. Eye color is blue.
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