Rest Area 300m: Pontification Alert!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Pontification Alert!

Barista had some nice things to say about this blog yesterday. Well I suppose if I can make asphalt sound exciting, and be caring about traffic lights, I am halfway there. What really interests me though, is the fascinating culture and history surrounding work. The small mysteries most people never think about until maybe they have to attempt it themselves, be it mixing concrete, fixing a leaking toilet cystern, putting out a fire, painting a sign, firing a pot, or driving a grader. I love reading other blogs where people describe what, and how, and why, they do things. The political blogs just piss me off. Once you have read a few you have read the lot. I don't want to know what some truck driver in Florida thinks about Bush, I want to know more about his truck, what he gets paid, what he carts, where he goes. I'm damn sure the regular readers here don't give a toss what I think of the situation in the Middle East, or the American President. This is not to say that I am uninterested in politics. I have, in another past job, been right in amongst it, facing down politicians on TV programs and spending a bit of time in the cells of Auckland Central Police Station.
No, Diamond Geezer has said it all Political blogging is a bit like teaching a pig to whistle. It is usually a waste of time, and just pisses off the pig.
I will stick to caring for traffic lights and asphalt.
Mind, there are people out there that just Luurve them.

Male. Lives in New Zealand/North Island/The Road, speaks English. Eye color is blue.
This is my blogchalk:
New Zealand, North Island, The Road, English, Male.

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