Rest Area 300m: Walking The Line

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Walking The Line

There are mundane jobs working on the road. Some are faintly ridiculous. Those plastic marker pegs with the reflectorized tape that keep you on the straight and narrow, are washed, by hand, by us. Machines have been tried, but a bucket of water, laced with concentrated cleaner, and a cloth are our tools of trade. You walk say a kilometre washing as you go, cross over the road and wash your way back to your vehicle. Move 1 K up the road, and repeat. The markers on the shady side are the worst, moss and lichen glue themselves to them. Heavily cambered corners mean that stock trucks spew unmentionable filth on them. All get a grey film of road grime.
Litter Control is another walking job. Black plastic bag and spear this time. The worst areas are a pie eating distance from a town. The fast food giants should be forced to have their C.E.O's do litter control for a week, I'll even shout them the plastic bags. Today in three kilometres, two of us collected 230 kilo's of fast food litter.
When I say you get to know the road, you really get to know the road.
Still only 180 kilometres to go.....

Male. Lives in New Zealand/North Island/The Road, speaks English. Eye color is blue.
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New Zealand, North Island, The Road, English, Male.

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