Sign Language
A while back the fax machine spat out a works order...
"Please remove all non frangible signs at RP/ XX .... "
We all looked at each other in the office.
As the tech wizard that even has a web page, and of course, member of the Uruti Trivial Pursuit Champion team of 1995, I am supposed to know what "non frangible" means.
Naturally I stalled until I could have a chat with Google.
Fortunately in that case the Boss knew what it was all about, and we gleefully removed some police signs of the "Don't Speed" variety.
A frangible sign is designed to break on impact.
To replace a damaged sign of any size is a major job.
We need our all purpose crane ...
You also need a calm day. Even in a light wind they can become unmanageable.
It was a storm that broke this one.
The base is designed to break away in a vehicle impact.
You have to align everything perfectly to get it up and secured.
Job done ...
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