Rest Area 300m: Choosing Your Accident!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Choosing Your Accident!

"Queen's Birthday holiday weekend seems likely to get off to a cold and snowy start with some roads in the deep south closed and others open only to vehicles with snow chains. The AA is urging motorists to watch for roadside hazards and reminding them to set aside longer travelling times than usual when embarking on their holiday."

I have been looking forward to some serious lounging, and couch rugby watching. Don't think so somehow..

"AA Bay of Plenty district manager Barry Kidd said such hazards (Weather, wind,fog, ice) have been a common factor in the recent multiple-fatality crashes.
He says trees for example are potentially deadly when they are close to the side of the road.
Mr Kidd warns the consequences for motorists can be as deadly as combat.
Barry Kidd said the driving experts recommend drivers should look for safe escape routes rather than fixating on the hazards."

Well I'm going to play experts too..
Many drivers get so fixated on a hazard on the road, and this includes road works, that they "freeze" and plough straight into them, brakes hard on, wheels locked, knuckles white on the wheel.
When you are in a situation of an impending crash,
Always Choose Your Accident
Try and find something softish that isn't human. The bank, a fence, or guardrail is softer than a six wheel truck, or concrete post. It is amazing the number of drivers who will find the only hard tree to hit, on a bend where there is plenty of swamp with it's nice soft mud.

Male. Lives in New Zealand/North Island/The Road, speaks English. Eye color is blue.
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New Zealand, North Island, The Road, English, Male.

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