Rest Area 300m: A Wobbly Weekend

Monday, October 17, 2005

A Wobbly Weekend

There must have been something in the water over the weekend. Possibly the planets were in an odd alignment, maybe it was the full moon.

A car punched through the fence near the Fart residence. (speed)
A truck took out a sign, again near Fart Towers. (fatigue)
A car lost it in some road works of ours, and ended up in a swamp. (speed)
A car sailed off a bank and ended up on an old tennis court. (fatigue)
A motorbike also went cross country in the morning fog. ( ? )

Then we discovered that the truck we gave a cheery wave too, carrying a digger that past us last week, was not off to do a job for us, as we thought, but was in fact stolen.

It was found, minus the digger this morning, fire damaged.

I gather the digger has also been recovered.

My shiny new virginal truck, is now having radios (CB & RT) fitted at our workshops.
In a bid to make sure that it stays top priority, I have resorted to traditional bribery.
Everyone has their price .

Male. Lives in New Zealand/North Island/The Road, speaks English. Eye color is blue.
This is my blogchalk:
New Zealand, North Island, The Road, English, Male.

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