Rest Area 300m: Death In The Afternoon

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Death In The Afternoon

This afternoon a siren screamed past; a police car.

I had been doing manly things with a chainsaw and wasn't sure if other emergency services had also gone by.

I talked myself into believing that just an errant speedster had been busted ... No worries.

I filled my thermos "in case."

For I am truly an old and cunning roadworker.

Sure enough the phone eventually rang.

This car with 5 aboard had left the road south of Mahoenui.

Unfortunately an elderly woman in the back seat died.

Two helicopters were used to ferry the others to hospital.

A strange crash. No other vehicles involved, No sign of any braking. A very heavy impact.

The usual long wait for police photographers, Serious Crash Unit, Undertaker, Tow truck etc.

It doesn't stop there. Tomorrow morning they will survey the road and try and explain a puzzling accident.

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Male. Lives in New Zealand/North Island/The Road, speaks English. Eye color is blue.
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