Rest Area 300m: Ashes To Ashes

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ashes To Ashes

We often have to organise signs and traffic control for various events, in this case a funeral.

"One of the roadworkers many tasks is Funeral Directing."
(Roadworkers Bible)

The Urupa, or family burial ground here adjoins a busy main road, where there is a passing lane.

We have to organise speed restriction signs on the main road, and all the side roads, and we cone off one lane for parking. In this case a kilometre long stretch.

While the police are supposed to actually direct traffic, they instead cruise around looking important in their cars.

This is especially so if it rains.

Which it did.

Then as it started to get dark we had to pick everything up again, and drive 120 K's home.

Funeral Directing is hard work...

Male. Lives in New Zealand/North Island/The Road, speaks English. Eye color is blue.
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New Zealand, North Island, The Road, English, Male.

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