When we are madly digging up the road on one of our "Hold Up The Week End Traffic Schemes" we are in radio contact with each other. It is nearly impossible to work without them. Any attempt though at a decent conversation is doomed.
"My Computor has crashed again, bloody virus I Think, Truck and trailer and two lights"
"What Antivirus are you using? Clear here"
"Schoolbus and Camper. AVG"
Two to come back, Tried Antispyware? Roller pulling out"
"Look out for this prick, Jesus did you see that"
"He's on a bloody mobile, hit that cone there, how much, .. is it free?"
"Bloody line up, last ones a hot babe in a ratty toyota, yes it's free.
"Truck and Trailer and followers, last ones a couple of aunties in a grey Mitsi"
"I'm going to back across to the first patch"
"Clear behind"
"Spybot is good too, holding four."
"Water Cart pulling out, send yours"
"Thats the weather guy from TV"
"In the 4x4, truck and trailer and one light"
"Was too, ..Spybot, I better write it down."
"Coming Through, last ones a camper"
"Whens Lunch?"
Rest Area 300m